Copyright 2013. Leandro Bizama. All rights reserved.



Let the morning bird be for you the alarm

and the cricket song your sweet lullaby.

Let the sunrise empower you to shine again

so to be at peace in the soft glow of twilight.

Let the vain and proud priorities

that we so consistently harbor

be washed away at the persistent music of the rain,

at the thundering noise of the storm

and the blinding light of the clouds;

how else would the seedling grow and turn to life

if not by getting drunk in the droplets of sky?

Let the blooming flower be your clock

and the patient caterpillar the yardstick of your time.

Let the mountain in its majesty

be your humbling humility;

Let the rivers in their course

chart the map of your breathing.

For nothing lives simply to survive

but takes in only to give back,

ever sharing, ever passing,

all that's been given from above,

saying: "freedom isn't doing what you want

but rather learning how to love."